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 Context -- This is our story

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Nora J. Gray
Nora J. Gray

Messages : 45
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

Le Grimoire du Sorcier
Age : 28 ans

Context -- This is our story Vide
MessageSujet: Context -- This is our story   Context -- This is our story Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Oct - 3:32

The context

« Forever, you will BURN ! »

1992. It's been three years since the end of the war. Who won? Lord Voldemort, the powerful and terrifying. Dumble never should've underestimated his youth and poise. Now the whole world is at his feet, even the mightiest. No noble family in the wizarding world could resist his ambition. No other families could survive his second-in-comment, the one and only Draco Lucius Malfoy. Twenty years did the war last, distructing families, buildings and cities. Hogwards itself didn't stay upright. As a last goodbye to the school he hated so much, Draco used one of the most powerful dark spelled he had been taught to put it in a state of ruins without any remorse. In an act of revenge and pure sadistic rage, he even put an end to the life of many of his old colleagues, most of them muggleborn, like Hermione Granger. It was a good riddance. The wizarding world would be better off without any of them.

1957. Tom Marvolo Riddle was simply the most brilliant student this school had ever have. No one could've expected what he was planning. He killed; the first time, and certainly not the last. His first victim, a yong muggleborn named Myrtle, was the unfortunate soul who encountered for the first time his terrible Basilisk. Not wanting to arise any more suspicion on him than he already had, Tom stopped his doing, still pleased with the result. He even went as far as to let another of his colleague take the blame. but he wasn't goig to stop.

1963. After a few years of laying low, Tom came back on top, with a few allies to his side. He created his own army, the Deatheaters, who could be recognized by the mark, almost like a tattoo, on their forearm, the sign of their complete and utter allegiance until death. Tom Marvolo Riddle is now one, if not the, most powerful and terrifying wizard in the entire world, taking on a new name: Lord Voldemort. Many, if not almost everyone, in the wizarding world didn't even dare to speak his name, too frightened. Instead, he was refered to as He-who-must-not-be-named or You know who. This innability to even name him just helped spreading dread throughout the nation, making him even more powerful.

1983. One of the most important year in the wizarding world: the end of a war, the end of an era of peace scarecely maintained by Dumbledore. What a violent and bloody year it was. Dumbledore's army, the Order of the Pheonix, and Voldemort's Deatheater battled in one of the most explosive conflict the world had ever seen, between the walls of the famous wizarding school, only to be won by the dark forces. During this time of dread and sorrow, a joyful event: a birth. The birth of Melinda Black, daughter of Regulus Black. The poor child was hunted down by her most noble and pure family, and it wasn't as if she'd done something wrong. It wasn't her fault her mother was a muggleborn. But the Black never could accept that their son had procreated with a low-blooded woman such as Lily Evans.

1985. A new school, the « Magical Education Center », only reserved for half-blooded, is created byt the Dark Lord himself. The rules were simple : « From 2 to 18 years-old, half-blooded children are summoned to go to the MEC to study magic, but only the dark arts will be teached. Lord Voldemort himself is acting as headmaster and his faithful Deatheater will serve as teachers. Torture or eventual death are to be expected as punition if the child is behaving badly. ». When Tom Riddle met Melinda, he soon became her mentor, her protector. A conflict was arising and he needed her.

What about those rebels preparing to act up against Lord Voldemort's reign of terror? Will they succeed or be again decimated by the Dark Lords army? On what side are you?

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