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 The new RPer's guide to success!

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Nora J. Gray
Nora J. Gray

Messages : 45
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

Le Grimoire du Sorcier
Age : 28 ans

The new RPer's guide to success! Vide
MessageSujet: The new RPer's guide to success!   The new RPer's guide to success! Icon_minitimeMer 10 Oct - 22:05

Guide to RP

Don't be scared, we don't bite. I get that, if you are reading this, you are interested in being a part of out group of nutcases, but you might still be a little confused. Everything is written in french everywhere, you don't go where to look or what to do. Well that's why we're here to help you. And without further ado, we present you your new guide to success!

It may sound really obvious, but it really is the very first thing to do. Of course, if you go look around everywhere, you will find all the information you need... in french. If you are familiar enough with that language to read through it, go ahead, and remember that whatever question you have, people from the staff are always there to help and answer your interrogations. If, though, reading french is, for you, comparable to reading chinese characters, we made you a section with the same informations you can find on the regular part of the forum.

Useful links: If you click here, you have the context of the RP, and here are the general rules. Here is the list of all the faceclaims used or available (red means taken, green available).

Once you've been through the links above and you still want to satay with us (please do, we're great!), it's time for you to create you own character. You can create it in whatever order you want but your character must have the followings characteristics: You must choose a Faceclaim, which mean someone to represent physically your character, and that faceclaim must be a celebrity -actor, actress, singer, model...- (for example, my faceclaim is Lara Pulver). And to go with that, you must have what we call an avatar, which is a 200 px*320 px picture of your faceclaim. Of course, your character must have a name, but we ask that, unless it's a character from the Harry Potter world, it has to be an original name. Please, no Kristen Cullen or Sherlock Watson. You should also think of a back story for you character: where he was born, who was his parents, was he happy or not, special events that changed his life, etc. Life isn't always nice, we get that, but please don't exaggerate. Someone who has witness his parents death when he was three, then got addicted to firewhisky and accidentally killed his or her bestfriend just isn't realistic.

Once your character is created in your mind, then you just have to register! To do that, you click on "S'inscrire" (which is the french word for register). In the form you will have to fill out, you will be asked to put you Pseudo, which is your character's name, your e-mail address and then your password. Not complicated, is it. Then, you re-enter your pasword and you go check in your e-mail account for the validation e-mail. Then, you will be good to go!

When you are registered and ready to go, there is one more thing you have to go before you start playing: you character's presentation. Again, very simple. You have to copy this form, create a new topic (by clicking on the "nouveau" button) and paste the form. Then you fill it, and wait for a staff member to validate you.

Finally! That's the part you've all been waiting for! The part about the actual RP. Quick reminder for those who would be still a bit confused about what RP is: you will post messages with paragraphs written as a story about what you character says, does and thinks. Then the other person you RP with will do the same, adding to the story, and you'll both just portray your side of a story line. To RP in english, you post in this section of the forum. Do not forget to give a title to your RP, to state who's in it and say where it happens (ex: Playing Hard to get || Nora & Ghost [Ministry of Magic]).

If you want to establish relationships and storylines with specific characters, you can always ask them by Private Messages, or go in the relationships section of the forum (here) and go in their relationships topics to ask them if they'd be interested. You can also create one of yours, where you will get requests and where you will list all of your different relationships.

Alright? You get it? Great! Now COME ON! Time to join us! If you ever have any questions, do not forget that out message box is always opened!
© Chieuze ~ édité par le staff

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The new RPer's guide to success!

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